Our CSA pick ups this week ......
From One Straw Farm eight items (which is guaranteed every week). We had a lot to choose from including eggplant, fresh corn, several types of greens, cauliflower, new potatoes, several varieties of summer squash. Here are a few pics...

Cromwell Valley CSA does not have a set number of portions but divides the harvest evenly among members. This week it was two small heads of garlic, one extremely small head of green leaf lettuce, a quart of purslane and one and a half pounds of lamb's quarter.

I realize this is waaaay, waaaay, after the fact, but I wanted to thank you for documenting this, and for validating my own feelings of frustration and disappointment with the CVCSA.
I chose this week to comment on, because I vividly remember it; that was the week that those of us with half shares didn't even get everything - we were denied having any of the lettuce at all, because there was so little of it.
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